There is only one boss and whether a person shines shoes for a living or heads up the biggest corporation in the world, the boss remains the same. IT’S THE CUSTOMER. He is the person who pays everyone’s salary and who decides whether a business is going to succeed or fail. And he doesn’t care if a business has been around for 100 years. The minute it starts treating him badly, he’ll put it out of business.
The Boss, THE CUSTOMER, has bought and will buy everything you have or will have. He’s bought all of your clothes, your home, your car, pays for your children’s education and your vacations. He pays all of your bills, and he pays in exact proportion to the way you treat him.
The man who works inside a big office building or plant might think he works for the company that writes his paychecks, but he doesn’t. He is working for the person who buys the product at the end of the line. In fact, THE CUSTOMER will fire everybody in the company from the president on down. And he can do it simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Some of the largest companies that had flourishing businesses a few years ago are no longer in existence. They couldn’t or didn’t satisfy the customer. They forgot who the boss really is.
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